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创建SvcHost.exe 调用的服务原理与实践(8)

减小字体 增大字体 作者:郁郁小蝎  来源:中国站长学院  发布时间:2005-06-08 09:33:46
used to install by rundll32.exe
Platform SDK: Tools - Rundll32
The Run DLL utility (Rundll32.exe) included in Windows enables you to call functions exported from a 32-bit DLL. These functions must have the following syntax:
void CALLBACK RundllInstallA(
HWND hwnd,// handle to owner window
HINSTANCE hinst,// instance handle for the DLL
char *param,// string the DLL will parse
int nCmdShow// show state

int UninstallService(char *name)
int rc = 0;
SC_HANDLE schService;
SC_HANDLE hscm;

 __try{
if (hscm == NULL)
OutputString("OpenSCManager() error %d", rc = GetLastError() );
return rc;

 char *svcname = DEFAULT_SERVICE;
if(name && name[0]) svcname = name;

 schService = OpenService(hscm, svcname, DELETE);
if (schService == NULL)
OutputString("OpenService(%s) error %d", svcname, rc = GetLastError() );
return rc;

 if (!DeleteService(schService) )
OutputString("OpenService(%s) error %d", svcname, rc = GetLastError() );
return rc;

 OutputString("DeleteService(%s) SUCCESS.", svcname);
OutputString("Exception Catched 0x%X", GetExceptionCode());

 CloseServiceHandle(schService);
return rc;

used to uninstall by rundll32.exe
Platform SDK: Tools - Rundll32
The Run DLL utility (Rundll32.exe) included in Windows enables you to call functions exported from a 32-bit DLL. These functions must have the following syntax:
void CALLBACK RundllUninstallA(
HWND hwnd,// handle to owner window
HINSTANCE hinst,// instance handle for the DLL
char *param,// string the DLL will parse
int nCmdShow// show state

//output the debug infor into log file & DbgPrint
void OutputString( char *lpFmt, ... )
char buff[1024];
va_start( arglist, lpFmt );
_vsnprintf( buff, sizeof buff, lpFmt, arglist );
va_end( arglist );

 DWORD len;
HANDLE herr = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
if(herr != INVALID_HANDLE_value)
WriteFile(herr, buff, strlen(buff), &len, NULL);
WriteFile(herr, "\r\n", 2, &len, NULL);
FILE *fp = fopen("SvcHost.DLL.log", "a");
char date[20], time[20];
fprintf(fp, "%s %s - %s\n", _strdate(date), _strtime(time), buff);
if(!stderr) fclose(fp);

 OutputDebugString(buff);




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